Thermal Insulation – Sheet Installation

A brief overview of the company’s business

Some of the works of El-Fath Company in the implementation of the installation of sandwich panels and metal fixtures:

  1. Covering the beauty of the Republican Palace in the Dome Gardens, contract date 20/11/2019
  2. Installing sandwich panels for ceilings and walls of New Hi-Tech factory, date of contracting 18/7/2019
  3. Installing the lamellar sheet for the family for real estate investment, the date of the contract 11/7/2018
  4. Dismantling and installing the corrugated sheet in the American Aid building, date of the contract 22/5/2018
  5. The installation of corrugated sheets, ornaments and rain sewers in Al-Alamein, contract date 1/4/2018
  6. Installation of sandwich panels at the Investment Bank inJabal Al Akhdar, the date of the contract is 21/3/2018
  7. Executing the phosphate complex project through Econ, contract date 16/6/2017
  8. Installation of sandwich panels, Bank of Suez Canal University, contract date 25/12/2017
  9. Executing the cladding of the Damietta Power Plant through the Archirodon Company, contracting date 1/6/2016
  10. Executing the consolidation of the Suez Petroleum Pipeline project through ICON, on the date of the contract 12/6/2016
  11. Executing the consolidation of the Zohr field project through Ekon, contracting date 15/12/2016
  12. Executing the IDM project through ICON, contracting date 18/10/2015
  13. Executing the consolidation of the 81 Military Project through the ICON company, the date of the contract is 15/4/2014
  14. Executing the cladding of the Benha Power Station through the Archirodon Company, the date of the contract 26/9/2012
  15. Executing the cladding of Al-Warraq Power Station through Archirodon Company, contract date 18/10/2009
  16. Executing the lamination of the Al-Kuraimat 2 and 3 power station through the Arab Contractors Company, contract date 19/7/2009
  17. Implementation of the work of binding the Dome Palace
  18. Execution of cladding works for the Administrative Capital Airport
  19. Execution of the work of the Pepsi factory binding
  20. Execution of cladding works for Habata Airport
  21. Execution of the Chipsy company’s binding work
  22. Execution of binding works for the exhibitions of the Egyptian European Company
  23. Execution of binding works for Air Force warehouses in Heikstep
  24. Execution of binding works for Auto Egypt showrooms

** Attached herewith: Copies of contracts and certificates of the work that has been implemented